The six principles of esoteric knowledge
The Universal Principle of Similarity (SAMANYA) highlights the mysterious connections that arise through similarity and are also found everywhere in the Universe. This is precisely the Law of Occult Resonance, as expounded and explained by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru in the Romanian School of Yoga. In AYURVEDA, about sameness (SAMANYA) it is stated that it is always the cause of the growth of living beings. This is because similarity (SAMANYA) causes the growth of energy specific to a particular system by amplifying the state of occult resonance triggered by the existence of a vibratory similarity with another vibratory focus in MACROCOSMOS. All the practical principles of AYURVEDA can be implemented precisely because we take into account the universal principle of similarity (SAMANYA), which is the Law of Occult Resonance. On this basis we can rebalance our being in a very simple way, realizing that aspects of a certain vibrational frequency are used to lead to the increase of similar aspects in vibrational frequency which are currently in a state of deficiency in our inner universe. The establishment of belonging to a certain constitutional type is done by similarity, i.e. by identifying the common resonance between certain human beings belonging to that constitutional type (PRAKRITI). It is also the similarity (OCCULT RESONANCE) that determines the manifestation of a certain psycho-mental effect after consuming a natural substance (food, plant, etc.) having a certain predominant taste. These are just a few examples of the many applications of the universal principle of similarity (HIDDEN RESONANCE) in AYURVEDA.
The universal principle of the differentiation of subtle-vibratory manifestations (VISHESHA) allows us to know the differentiated structure of the Universe on distinct planes of vibration, each having a specific vibratory frequency. Through the revelation of this universal principle, the capacity for wise discrimination can be awakened and amplified in our being, the capacity for perception of the different planes of Manifestation can be awakened, and we will also be able to further develop the analytical side of our individual mind. It is the universal principle of differentiation (VISHESHA) that makes us realise what the distinctions are between the various objects (physical or subtle) that we perceive. In this way we can determine what their distinct particularity is. The principle of differentiation (VISHESHA) shows us that each distinct aspect in the universe is essentially unique. In AYURVEDA, this principle of esoteric knowledge allows us, for example, to perceive what the differences are between the various natural substances of therapeutic value, what aspects lead to constitutional differentiations, what will be the favourable turn in the process of evolution of a disorder or dysfunction, or how an unexpected crisis can be triggered in a disease process, etc.
In AYURVEDA, the term DRAVYA stands for the universal principle of substantiality. The Sanskrit word DRAVYA comes from the verbal root 'DRU', whose main meaning is 'to flow'. This shows us that the state of substantiality (DRAVYA) is by no means a static, solid and immobile reality, but a dynamic, mobile, fluid and flowing one. For the Ayurvedic sages, all manifestation is transitory in character, with every manifested aspect undergoing a continuous transformative flow. Both the physical (material) substances and the subtle aspects, whether etheric, astral or even causal in nature, are all illustrations of the universal principle of substantiality, so long as they serve as substrates for the manifestation of qualities or, in other words, attributes. In AYURVEDA, therefore, the concept of substantiality is identifiable with the role of 'carrier' or 'vehicle' of attributes or qualities, a role which any substance necessarily fulfils. In approaching the understanding of the manifested world in this way, we can discover that the existence of any substance is integrated into a universal flow of becoming, which is continuously manifest throughout the Universe. Every substance, whether physical or subtle, is in reality a "confluence" of some mysterious occult resonance processes with certain energetic foci in the Universe (Macrocosm).
The universal principle of qualitative ordering (GUNA) allows us to discover the structural order of the Universe (MACROCSOMOS). Any manifested aspect (object, phenomenon or being) can be characterized by means of a combination of qualities. In AYURVEDA the knowledge of qualities (attributes) is the basis of natural therapy. In AYURVEDA, both the characterisation of human beings and the choice of remedies are based on the identification of manifestations of specific qualities, such as cold or hot, dry or wet, hard or light, etc. The quality (GUNA) is that aspect of reality whose existence is intimately related to that of substances (DRAVYA) and which acts as a potential force in the process of interactions between substances, entities, things or systems. Even at the atomic level the attraction between particles is due to the polar qualities that exist between them.
The universal principle of action (KARMAN) enables us to discover the functional order of the Universe (MACROCSOMOS). In AYURVEDA action (KARMAN) always depends on the nature of the substance (DRAVYA) to which it belongs. Action is characteristic of both substances and beings. In the case of substances it manifests itself as therapeutic action, as for example the action of ginger in stimulating the digestive fire. In the case of beings, it encompasses all bodily functions, from self-regulatory mechanisms to functions that can be activated voluntarily. The universal principle of action (KARMAN) allows us to discover the mysterious interactions between our being and the surrounding world. With its help we can learn how to maintain health and balance while being fully active.
The universal principle of inseparable simultaneity (SAMAVAYA) allows us to discover the mysterious links that exist between the various aspects of manifestation. The reality of inseparable simultaneity (SAMAVAYA) can be revealed to us through the perception of synchronicity phenomena. Synchronicity attests to the subtle connection between two phenomena or aspects belonging to different vibrational planes or causal sequences of events. At the same time, the principle of inseparable simultaneity (SAMAVAYA) allows us to gradually and intuitively discover the matrix structure of the Macrocosm or, in other words, the aspect of "fabric" (TANTRA), which is made up of varied and interdependent subtle vibration-energies.