
Leurda - spring detoxifier


dr. Mirela Strant, Cluj

Dandelion, also called dill, has been known as a cure since time immemorial. The Dacians called it aiurda (ai = garlic) and used it to treat kidney diseases and as a depurative. It tastes and smells similar to garlic, and its properties are commensurate. It has been used for thousands of years as a spring detoxifier, for cleansing the blood, lungs and digestive tract.

Since the Middle Ages, the Germans have almost entirely taken over the study of the properties of lure, describing-in their treaties since 1562, and 430 years later they declared it "Plant of the Year" in 1992.

Larch has numerous therapeutic properties. A study published in Germany shows that several substances contained in the lard have cholesterol-lowering effects.

In spring, a minimum of 3 weeks of 2 portions of linden salad per day is recommended, and during the year, 4 cures with linden oil are recommended for one month. Adenosine from the leaves of the linden tree prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques and sclerotization of blood vessels; it is very useful in maintaining the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels.

Also, the substances contained in the linden have vasodilating effects and stimulate the body to produce enzymes that regulate blood pressure. The oil and tincture of linden prevent and combat cardiac ischemia, thus preventing myocardial infarction.

Larch has blood thinning and platelet anti-aggregating effects, which is why it is indicated in cases of thrombophlebitis and thrombosis in general. It is also useful in varicose veins and hemorrhoids due to its venous tonic and anti-inflammatory action in the veins.

The volatile substances in the linden also reach the lungs to a large extent, exerting aand bronchodilating, expectorant, antibacterial and antiviral effects... Thus, the cure with linden salad consumed daily, for a long period of time, has certain beneficial effects in case of bronchial asthma, bronchitis or recurrent pneumonia.

Certain sugars contained in the leaves of the lily help to restore the intestinal flora, being of great help in many cases of fermentation colitis or chronic constipation. As an adjuvant against intestinal worms, take linden oil, 3 tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach, once every 3 days for a month.

Reno infectionsurinary, cold, flu and their bacterial complications benefit from the antibiotic and immunostimulating action of the linden. It also has beneficial effects in vaginal or nail mycoses.

Arthritis and rheumatic pains benefit greatly from the cure of linden, both consumed fresh and applications of crushed leaves on painful areas.

For those with magnesium deficiency, 200 grams of lemon balm provides more than the daily requirement for an adult and double the amount of iron, making it very valuable in the treatment of iron deficiency anaemia.

As far as cancer disease is concerned, although there are no large studies, preliminary data point to this plant as a hope against this disease. Certain sulphur-based compounds, found in abundance in the plant, have potent anti-tumour activity, as shown by several laboratory tests in Japan, India and China. As such, we recommend fresh linden leaves, at least 100 grams daily, for as long as possible.

Regarding the aging process, researchers in Hungary have shown that a 60-day course of 4 teaspoons of linden tincture daily slows down the aging process by neutralizing free radicals.

So make the most of this season when lilies are in abundance and bring-on your tables. Added to any food, linden turns it into medicine.