
Meteosensitivity of the human being plays an essential role in weather therapy


Andrei Gămulea, AMN-Romania

We are already familiar with the fact that some people experience some pain, discomfort or melancholy or sadness as the weather changes. Such situations have long been regarded with scepticism or reluctance by most people, but their repetitiveness has attracted the attention of researchers free from limiting prejudices.

Recently, research has revealed an inner phenomenon that manifests itself in many human beings who feel the impact of certain major qualitative changes in their natural environment. This particular form of 'sensing' the climatic changes that occur has been called meteosensitivity.

Meteosensitivity highlights the impact that changing climatic factors can have on health and alerts the body to the need to adapt to these phenomena.

Meteosensitivity warns of possible health variations

Meteosensitivity is usually associated with situations in which human beings experience joint pain, migraines, fluctuations in blood pressure, drowsiness, poor digestion or even depression in close association with changes in external climatic factors.

Meteosensitivity provides a whole series of physiological or nervous signals with the appearance of qualitative variations cumulative of the internal living environment as a result of qualitative changes in the external environment.

For a long time meteorology was wrongly considered to be part of the spectrum of popular superstition. In reality, meteosensitivity is a manifestation of the specific way of qualitative signalling that the body is constantly making in order to achieve the best possible adaptation.

Essentially, meteosensitivity is a phenomenon caused by energetic vibrations in the electromagnetic field of the external environment that surrounds us. The deep connection that humans have with nature was originally emphasised by traditional Ayurvedic medicine, which believes that the human being is a part of a much more complex, interdependent environment, and that this specifically reflects the qualitative changes taking place in the environment in which it lives.

The human being cannot remain indifferent to the qualitative changes taking place in the external natural environment. Modern research has shown that meteosensitivity is of great importance in both prevention and adaptive processes, as well as in strategies for maintaining the state of balance and health of the being.

For example, the onset of joint pain with the changeover to the cold season is frequently signalled by meteorosensitivity. A drop in barometric pressure or a drop in ambient temperature are frequently perceived as external factors that quickly tend to trigger adaptive processes in the body. The high volume of precipitation that can occur in certain geographical regions or at certain times of the year can generate a general feeling of increased discomfort that the body experiences through meteosensitivity.

In a recent 2014 study of 2492 osteoarthritis sufferers in six European countries, 67.2% of those surveyed said that climate change always makes their pain worse.

One phenomenon that many people frequently experience with changing weather patterns is migraines. For example, before ambient temperatures drop, some humans may experience headaches that can start even days before a noticeable change in the weather. The influence generated in human beings by qualitative changes prior to weather change is a phenomenon objective, which is reflected in the being by changes perceived through meteosensitivity.

In a 2004 study by a group of Boston doctors, 77 people who experienced frequent migraines were analysed. The researchers asked a series of questions about the impact of weather on the pain experienced by sufferers. They then checked the results over two years, correlating the patients' conditions with weather information provided by a meteorological service and came to the objective conclusion that more than half of the patients were influenced by changes in the weather, and that they felt weather changes over time in some way, through meteorological sensitivity.

Through meteosensitivity, it is possible to understand the determinant causes of palpitations, blood pressure oscillations and chest pains that occur with changes in the quality parameters of the external natural environment.

Researchers have identified that, for example, the cold season can increase risk factors especially for heart patients. Therefore, meteosensitivity has been considered as an important knowledge resource for modern social and preventive medicine.