Ayurvedic energy bars
Marius Teiușan, lecturer of Ayurveda AMN-
Natural preparations for the three constitutions
The Ayurvedic tradition provides us with a number of essential principles that we can use successfully to maintain optimal health.
First of all, the way we choose to live our lives should not be random, but should be set according to our Ayurvedic constitutional type.
We will determine this constitutional type after a detailed analysis of the manifestation in our being of the three subtle vital forces called in Ayurveda vata dosha, pitta dosha and kapha dosha.
As soon as we've established which dosha is predominantly manifested in the microcosm of our being, we can move on to choosing the actions that are most favourable to us.
Of particular importance is the way we feed ourselves, because it is known from Eastern tradition that our body (anna maya kosha) is "built" from the food we eat.
When we have more demanding days, when we have more activities to do and we don't have much time to prepare our food, we can make ourselves some energy bars ahead of time, which we can keep in the fridge 1-
Energy bars for the predominant constitutional type vata- dosha
For a predominant constitutional type vata dosha nutritious, more oily or liquid foods that are not cold are indicated. Dry foods are not recommended.
Because such a person's digestive fire is oscillating, it can be helped to function at optimal parameters by using appropriate warming spices that improve the digestion of other foods. Cinnamon, aniseed, fennel, coriander, basil can be used to flavour the dishes being prepared.
For such a person, herbs and foods that taste sweet, salty or sour are indicated.
Sea buckthorn or maca root, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds or walnuts, which are sweet and nourishing, and horse chestnuts and strawberries, which are sour and energising, can be added as the main ingredients, in powdered form or ground as finely as possible, to the bars we prepare. We can sweeten with honey, which is warming, digestive, nourishing and energising.
You can add a little sesame oil, which is a very nourishing oil, indicated in ayurveda for harmonizing his vata dosha. To give some consistency, you can add hydrated oatmeal, which is nutritious and very nourishing for this constitutional type.
We can use all these ingredients in
Energy bars for the pitta-predominant constitutional type- dosha
For a predominant constitutional type pitta dosha nutritious but cooling foods are indicated, as excess pitta dosha is expressed through "hot" feelings and emotions. Oily foods and warming foods are not recommended.
Because the digestive fire is strong, it is necessary for people with this constitutional type to eat well enough and not "skip" meals.
Flavours that can be added to food are those that are not hot, that balance pitta doshasuch as fennel, cumin, coriander, cardamom, turmeric, aniseed, mint. Spices that are hotter and more pungent, such as chilli, ginger, black pepper, should be used less often and less frequently.
For such a person, herbs and foods that taste sweet, bitter or astringent are indicated.
The sweet and nutritious sea buckthorn or maca root, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds or walnuts can be added as main ingredients, in powder form or finely ground, to the bars we prepare. We can sweeten with a small amount of honey, which is digestive, nourishing and energising, or with another natural sweetener. You can add a little coconut oil, which is a refreshing oil, indicated in ayurveda for harmonising pitta dosha. To give some consistency, you can add hydrated oatmeal, which is nutritious and very nourishing for this constitutional type.
We can use all these ingredients in
The spices and herbs we add over and over again
Energy bars for the predominantly kapha constitutional type- dosha
For a predominant constitutional type kapha dosha Foods that are not very nutritious, but are lighter, drier and warmer are indicated. Foods that are very firm, oily and cold are not indicated.
Because such a person's digestive fire is slower, it can be helped to function at optimal parameters by using appropriate warming spices that improve digestion of other foods. Ginger, cloves, chilli peppers, turmeric can be used to flavour dishes being prepared.
For such a person herbs and foods that taste spicy, bitter or astringent are indicated.
We can make our own bars using as main ingredients the cooked and ground grains of buckwheat, millet, rye, which are lighter and warmer grains. Dry cereal flakes are also suitable.
We can add a small amount of sunflower seeds, nuts or sesame seeds. We can sweeten with honey, which is warming, digestive, nourishing and energising.
We can use all these ingredients in
The spices and herbs we add over and over again
The following are some recipes, which we can adapt to suit our constitutional type.
Energy bars with oatmeal and seeds
In this recipe we use oat flakes, pumpkin seeds, flower seeds-
Place the composition in a
Energy bars with oatmeal, seeds and dried fruit
We need the following ingredients: oat flakes, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnuts or walnut kernels, chia seeds, chopped dried apricots, goji, dried cranberries or raisins, coconut oil, honey, salt, cinnamon.
Gently cook the oatmeal, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds over medium heat, then allow to cool. Mix with the rest of the ingredients, place the mixture in a
Energy bars with oatmeal, dates and nuts
We need the following ingredients: oatmeal, dates, nuts, coconut oil, chia seeds, vanilla. Hydrate the dates for 1 hour with a little lukewarm water to cover them. You can also hydrate the nuts for 4 hours. Mix all the ingredients and blend until they are finely chopped and smooth like a dough. If the dough is not smooth enough, you can add 1 banana or 1-