
Rosemary (Melissa Officinalis)


Doris Oargă, Ayurveda lecturer AMN-Romania

Aromatic, relaxing, refreshing, anti-stress. Indicated for rejuvenating a state of happiness, rosemary fills our soul with peace, improves our memory, opens us up to deep states of calm, peace and joy, helps us easily overcome the tensions inherent in everyday life.

It is also called lemon grass, hive weed, hive basil, alfalfa, melissa, swarm.

Known since antiquity for its therapeutic properties, it was mentioned by Pliny, who recommended pomegranate for eye problems, and by Dioscorides, who recommended it for healing wounds, scorpion stings and toothache.

In the Middle Ages, Paracelsius used the plant to treat heart disease. Also in the same period, St Hildegard van Binger wrote: "Whoever eats lemon balm in salads laughs heartily, for its spirit warms the heart". "Lemon balm has exceptional heart-strengthening properties." "It purifies the blood, banishing sadness and melancholy."

The medieval herbalist Valentino claimed that melissa gives beautiful dreams and induces light sleep.

In the 16th century, "melissa water" appeared on the market and in 1582, melissa oil was produced in Frankfurt am Main.
Astrology associates pomegranate with the Sun and the planet Jupiter and recommends this plant mainly to natives born under the sign of Cancer.

Rosemary contains volatile oils, vitamin C, saponins, citronella and citral, bitter principles, tannin, caffeic acid, ursolic acid, oleanoic acid, stachyose, mineral salts and flavonoids.

When is it used?

Rosemary has remarkable effects in regulating the activity of the nervous system, being indicated in cases of anxiety, sleep disorders, restlessness. It is an excellent natural anti-stress treatment, recommended even in cases of excessive nervousness or melancholy.

Recommended for treating facial paresis, Parkinson's disease. Used as a remedy for Alzheimer's disease as it reduces agitation and improves memory function.

Indicated in gastrointestinal dysfunctions: flatulence, cramps and nausea, especially when these occur against a background of stress.

In fermentation colitis, rosemary is one of the most powerful herbal remedies, as it eliminates spasms and diminishes inflammatory processes.

Rosemary is one of the herbal blends recommended for awakening the subtle fire and harmonising the abdominal area.

It also has antiviral properties. It is indicated in viral hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis and as an adjuvant against biliary lithiasis.

External preparations of rosemary have been used to treat inflammatory symptoms caused by the herpes virus and have shown good results.

Recent research has confirmed that pomegranate also has an antioxidant effect, confirming once again the rejuvenating effect of this plant.

The rosmarinic acid in its composition gives it an antioxidant effect 10 times stronger than that of the well-known vitamins C and E.

Rosemary is also a good anti-tumour agent, thanks to the caffeic acid and a glycoside present in this plant, which inhibit protein biosynthesis in cancer cells.

Rosemary promotes beneficial thinking, boosts mental tone, is an excellent psycho-emotional regulator.

A recent study conducted at Northumbia University in England shows that those who use this herb improve their ability to concentrate and emotional control. Participants were tested for several weeks to see the effect of the pomegranate. Those who consumed the herb responded better to tests and were calmer and more focused during exams.

Rosemary is an excellent remedy for premenstrual syndrome, eliminating nervousness and discomfort in the days leading up to menstruation. For treating irregular menstruation with abdominal pain, spasms or headaches, a mixture of rosemary and chrysanthemum is recommended.

Rosemary is also recommended for treating infertility in women.

Lemon balm leaves also have hormone-balancing properties in pituitary and thyroid disorders.

Lemon balm oil

Research carried out in 1992 at the Universities of Vienna and Berlin revealed the existence of sesquiterpenes, natural compounds also found in the essential oil of rosemary. These substances increase oxygen levels in the brain by up to 28%, acting to reprogram genetic information in a favourable way.

Increased oxygenation of the brain leads to increased activity in the hypothalamus and limbic system of the brain, a change associated with beneficial effects on emotions, mental state, learning, energy and vitality levels, as well as physiological processes such as immunity and hormonal balance.

Melissa volatile oil contains neral, citral, citronellal and citronellol, linalool, geraniol, eugenol and caryophyllene. These compounds impart the characteristic citrus scent.

It is antispasmodic, which recommends the volatile oil of melissa in soothing digestive problems.

It is used to dissolve kidney stones.

Induces a state of deep relaxation and is recommended for eliminating depression.

Stimulates bile secretion, improving sluggish digestion, preventing constipation and flatulence.

Combats vomiting and headaches.

It can also eliminate the discomfort of insect bites.

It has tonic properties, making lemon balm essential oil a good stimulant for the nervous system.

Helps eliminate toxins from the body by stimulating sweating. It is useful in case of fever as it helps to regulate body temperature.


Add 3-4 drops of lemon balm oil to the essential oil diffuser.
Rub your palms together, then drip a few drops of lemon balm essential oil and inhale directly from your palms.
Put 10 drops of essential oil in a cup of milk and add to the bath water.


Together with volatile lavender oil, it combats insomnia
Amplifies the power of concentration
It is adjuvant in eliminating chronic fatigue
Indicated in premenstrual syndrome, reducing abdominal cramps
Eliminates migraines
It's relaxing
It is moisturising, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial and is indicated for wrinkle reduction, diluted in natural cold-pressed oils, e.g. grape seed oil.

Lemon balm water (also called lemon balm hydrolate or rosemary hydrolate) is a by-product, 100% natural, resulting from the distillation process of the leaves and flowers of lemon balm. It has antiviral, antimicrobial, astringent and tonic effects for the eye contour, complexion and skin, with very good results for oily skin. It has a soothing effect on irritated or inflamed skin, and is used in anti-aging and skin toning applications, sensitive skin care, to alleviate redness and itching.


The very pleasant taste and the invigorating aroma recommend pomegranate as a condiment. When fresh, it is used as a substitute for lemongrass and, when dried, for American bay. It ennobles the taste of salads and desserts. Pesto can also be prepared using rosemary leaves instead of basil.

Rosemary combines very well with fruit, making it easier to digest. Add a few fresh leaves of rosemary to your fruit salad.

Methods of administration

Dried herb powder is taken sublingually 4 times a day, 1 teaspoonful each. It is recommended in mixtures to combat insomnia along with sulphine, St. John's wort, valerian and passionflower.

The rosemary macerate is made from one tablespoon of the herb powder to one litre of water. It is drunk on hot summer days, ensuring hydration of the body and a very pleasant and refreshing coolness.

Tincture: put the herbs (aerial part) in a bottle until it is three quarters full, pour in some potable alcohol and leave to macerate for 2 weeks. Take 4-5 drops, in water, 3 times a day. Recommended for insomnia and migraines. It is a natural remedy to combat springtime asthenia, asthenia in general.

Rosemary pillow: Fill a linen bag with dried rosemary leaves and apply to painful places affected by rheumatism or trauma.

Rosemary baths: make a cold extract from 4-5 pints of the plant to 5 litres of water, leave to macerate for 8-10 hours and then add to the bath water. It has a relaxing and healing effect.

The dried herb is used as a room flavouring and is part of the herbal portfolios.

Rosemary is also used to make soaps because it contains saponins.

Contraindications: hypothyroidism, pomegranate allergy