Ayurveda Congress 2021

International Ayurveda Congress AMN-Romania

Sunday 24 January 2021

International Ayurveda Congress 2021

 Programme of the AMN-Romania Ayurveda Congress

"Applications of interdisciplinary research
in personal and assisted ayurvedic practice"

24 January 2021, Sunday, from 11:00 (Romanian time)


SECTION 1 (Pratipada)

Introductory presentation

  1. Presentation of the programme of the AMN-Romania Ayurveda Congress 2021 - Andrei Gămulea, President of AMN-Romania
  2. Keynote address on the occasion of the Ayurveda Congress AMN-Romania 2021 by His Excellency Mr. Rahul Shrivastava, Ambassador of India to Romania 
  3. Achievements and perspectives in the collaboration between India and Romania in the field of Ayurveda - Andrei Gămulea
  4. Ayurvedic tradition - a saving solution for the future - Aurora Nicolae, Vice President AMN-Romania
  5. Current directions of interdisciplinary research addressed in AMN-Romania - Andrei Gămulea

SECTION 2 (Achara)

Personal and assisted Ayurvedic practice

  1. Effects of shirodhara therapy in post-traumatic stress syndrome - Dalia Faur
  2. Ayurvedic ways to prevent viral infections and recover from viral infections - Aurora Repede
  3. Therapy of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis using apitherapy and ayurvedic remedies (clinical case) - Mirela Stranț
  4. Ayurvedic methods and remedies used in respiratory infections - Monica Pascalau
  5. Results of herbal treatment in two cases of diabetes mellitus (prameha-roga) - Carla Fabian

SECTION 3 (Samshodhana)

Approaching Ayurveda through interdisciplinary research methods

  1. Informational differences between sugar, honey and heated honey - Cristina Cîmpean and Felicien Hoțiu
  2. An Ayurvedic psycho-behavioral analysis of relational interactions between secondary school students - Florentina Baciu
  3. Ayurvedic methods in holistic dentistry - Eszter Mogyorós
  4. Prevention of coagulation complications in SARS-COV19 - Viorela Lungana
  5. A comparative analysis of the concept of flow (dravakara) in Ayurvedic tradition and modern science - Ion Marin

SECTION 4 (Paddhati)

Modern applications of traditional Ayurvedic modalities

  1. Differentiation of detoxification cures according to Ayurvedic constitutional typologies (dosha-prakriti) - Monica Pașcalău
  2. Applications of traditional Ayurvedic balancing methods for vata-dosha - Nina Marin
  3. Applications of Ayurvedic pancha-karma methods in menstruation control - Doris Oargă 
  4. Observations on the effects of vajikarana ayurvedic remedies in harmonizing couple relationships - Monica Pașcalău

SECTION 5 (Nidana)

Modern applications of Ayurvedic diagnostics

  1. Rules of patient care in conventional medicine seen from the perspective of Ayurveda - Victor Modval
  2. Application of Ayurvedic diagnostic principles in bioresonance examinations - Sigismund Papp
  3. Ayurvedic modalities applied in current medical practice - Stefania Ciucu
  4. Use of the nidana-panchaka diagnostic system in primary, secondary and tertiary prophylaxis - Sigismund Papp

SECTION 6 (Aushadha)

Practical observations on some Ayurvedic remedies

  1. Practical remarks on the use of bee honey in ayurvedic remedies - Mirela Stranț
  2. Uses of cocoa mass (Theobroma cacao) in the production of vajikarana formulas - Carmen Munteanu
  3. The beneficial effects of using the bakuci plant (Psoralea corylifolia) through ayurvedic methods - Nina Marin
  4. Examples of the use of Ayurvedic apiphytotherapeutic remedies for pets - Paula Florea