In ancient Ayurvedic tradition, the Great God Indra is known as the Godlike Lord of celestial energies and the subtle sphere of space.
The Great God Indra is known in Eastern spiritual tradition as the Lord of the Gods and the protector of the disciples of the spiritual path.
The Great God Indra is an exemplary being, full of courage, recklessness and heroism. Ayurvedic tradition states that the Great God Indra is endowed with an unparalleled vigour and great power of beneficial action. In his honour Indrain the sacred works of India, in See–
About the Great God Indra it is stated that it can take any form it wishes and that is why the Great God Indra numerous forms of manifestation and incarnations are attributed to it.
Traditional representation and description associated with the Great God Indra
Traditionally, the Great God Indra is described as an exceptional being, appearing to have shiny, golden skin and extraordinarily long arms. Indra moves in
Forever young, Indra is the celestial being that embodies the virtues of youth, heroism, as well as the manifestation of the state of divine generosity and exuberance that is exhilarating and life-giving. Sometimes in traditional representations, Indra is described as having a chest and arms marked with a lot of eyes (akshi), thus being nicknamed Sahasraksha, an expression which means "He who is endowed with a thousand eyes“. Indra is also described in Eastern tradition as one of the youngest gods, and is sometimes called Kanina, a word that means "He who is born ever young", "The one full of youth", "Smallest" or "The Mezin“. Indra is suggestively described as an exceptional being who is the embodiment of vigour and youth, a state which Indra and-
The Great God Indra in the Ayurvedic tradition
The transmission of the sacred science of Ayurveda to humans was mediated by the Great God Indra. Indra is the one who revealed to humans the immortal Sacred Science of Life (Ayurveda), a fact mentioned since the very first sutra–
The work of Ayurveda Charaka-
About the Great God Indra is said to have performed many exceptional healings, such as: suturing fractured necks without any hemorrhage, curing extreme devitalization and consumptive conditions affecting those suffering from serious disorders such as tuberculosis (rajayakshma), hair regeneration in cases of baldness, as well as healing many other diseases.
About Indra is said to have performed many miraculous healings, providing exceptional support in healing human beings to whom Rig-
In the paper entitled Ayurveda-