Ayurveda Tabara 2017

        Ayurveda Spiritual Camp 2017

The revelation into being through the appeal of God's grace of the seven higher states of harmonious existential integration (sapta-samaya) known in the esoteric tradition of Ayurveda as prakrita-samaya, akara-samaya, utphala-samaya, vistara-samaya, siddhi-samaya, prabodha-samaya and samhatatva-samaya.

       The revelation in one's own inner universe, through the appeal of God's Grace, of the five essential Ipostases of manifestation of the fundamental Energy of Life (pancha-prakara): ayus-prakara, dhari-prakara, jivita-prakara, nityada-prakara and anubandha-prakara.

The awakening and energizing in the supramental sphere of the being of a predominant exemplifying beneficial manifestation of each of the five essential views (pancha-artha-naya): evambhuta-naya, sangraha-naya, naigama-naya, vyavahara-naya and rijusutra-naya.

    Programme of the Ayurveda Spiritual Camp 2017

     20 July 2017


18:30 - 18:40 Meditation
                 The full and unconditional dedication to God the Father of the fruits of energy
                 Subtle sublime of the beginning of this Spiritual Ayurveda Camp 2017
18:50 - 19:20 Meditation
                 Manifestation of the subtle spherical spiritual field of Ayurveda Camp 2013
19:30 - 20:00 Meditation
                 The inner call of guiding spiritual manifestation and subtle support
                 telepathic Spiritual Guide
20:10 - 20:40 Meditation
                 The intense, fervent and frantically aspirational invocation of manifestation
                 transforming and profoundly inspiring, of God the Father
21:00 - 21:30 Spiritual exemplification
                 The higher state of beneficial existential integration that allows the fruition of
                 wise of the exceptional latent potentials of one's individual nature
                 harmonious (prakrita-samaya)

       21 July 2017


11:00 - 11:30 Spiritual exemplification
                 The stenic and deeply regenerative state of exceptional vital vigour
11:45 - 12:15 Spiritual evocation
                 The state of deep spiritual communion with Shiva in His sublime aspect of
                 Divine Healer of all beings (Shiva-Bhishaja)
12:30 - 13:00 Spiritual exemplification
                 Revelation in one's own inner universe through the appeal of God's Grace,
                  of the essential and all-pervading hypostasis of the universal life-breathing Force


19:30 - 20:00 Spiritual exemplification
                 Awakening and energizing in the supramental sphere of the being a beneficial manifestation
                 the predominant objective viewpoint (evambhuta-naya)
20:15 - 20:45 Spiritual evocation
                 The state of deep spiritual communion with the great sage Atreya, the one who
                 exposed the Essential Science of Life (Ayurveda) in a form that is perfectly accessible
21:00 - 21:30 Spiritual exemplification
                 The higher state of harmonious existential integration that allows the transformation
                 the deepest part of being through the systematic and constant accumulation of subtle energies
                 benevolent, wide and deep (akara-samaya)

       22 July 2017


11:00 - 11:30 Spiritual exemplification
                 The Mysterious Reality of Antimatter and Antiparticles (prati-dravya)
11:45 - 12:15 Spiritual evocation
                 The state of deep spiritual communion with the wise yogi Chayavana, fervent
                 practitioner of traditional Ayurvedic regenerative processes (rasayana)
12:30 - 13:00 Spiritual exemplification
                 Revelation in one's own inner universe through the appeal of God's Grace,
                  of the essential hypostasis of the fundamental Energy of Life that defends the body and all
                 other vehicles of the being of decay (dhari-prakara)


19:30 - 20:00 Spiritual exemplification
                 Awakening and energizing in the supramental sphere of the being a beneficial manifestation
                 predominant selective viewpoint (sangraha-naya)
20:15 - 20:45 Spiritual evocation
                 The state of deep spiritual communion with Bharadvaja, the wise yogi who
                 assimilated the Science of Life (Ayurveda) through an exceptional initiation given to him by
                 to the Great God Indra
21:00 - 21:30 Spiritual exemplification
                 The higher state of harmonious existential integration that allows the manifestation of
                 fruitful in being of the profoundly transformative spiritual leap and wise fruition

        23 July 2017


11:00 - 11:30 Spiritual exemplification
                 The pregnant state of stenic, effervescent, expansive and euphoric well-being
11:45 - 12:15 Spiritual evocation
                 The state of deep spiritual communion with Sushruta, the wise surgeon, who has
                 offered human beings a valuable teaching about life through the work of
                  Ayurveda Sushruta-Samhita
12:30 - 13:00 Spiritual exemplification
                 Revelation in one's own inner universe through the appeal of God's Grace,
                  of the Essential Hypostasis of the Fundamental Energy of Life that maintains well-being
                 the body and all other vehicles of the being (jivita-prakara)


19:30 - 20:00 Spiritual exemplification
                 Awakening and energizing in the supramental sphere of the being a beneficial manifestation
                 predominant of the correlative point of view (naigama-naya)
20:15 - 20:45 Spiritual evocation
                 The state of prodigious spiritual communion with the sublime sphere of
                 Dhanvantari, the inspirer of the initiatory knowledge of Ayurvedic
                 purification and regeneration of the being
21:00 - 21:30 Spiritual exemplification
                 The higher state of harmonious existential integration that allows for the broad expansion
                 and the multidimensional, beneficial expansion of the being's sphere of consciousness

          24 July 2017


11:00 - 11:30 Spiritual exemplification
                 Lightning transcendence of the ego's limiting influence (ahamkara) by
                 the superior, harmonious and profoundly beneficial integration of the individual will of
                 being in the universal and almighty Will of God
11:45 - 12:15 Spiritual evocation
                 The state of deep spiritual communion with Nagarjuna, the wise alchemist who
                 revealed to human beings some secret, secret aspects of how to use
                 effective Ayurvedic practice modalities with regenerative effect (rasayana)
12:30 - 13:00 Spiritual exemplification
                 Revelation in one's own inner universe through the appeal of God's Grace,
                  of the essential hypostasis of the fundamental Energy of Life that serves as the substratum
                 permanent well-being of the body and all vehicles of being (nityada-prakara)


19:30 - 20:00 Spiritual exemplification
                 Awakening and energizing in the supramental sphere of the being a beneficial manifestation
                 prevailing of the specific point of view (vyavahara-naya)
20:15 - 20:45 Spiritual evocation
                 The state of deep spiritual communion with the Great God Indra, who, being
                 engaged as the divine protector of practitioners engaged on a path
                 revealed to them essential aspects of the Science of Life -
21:00 - 21:30 Spiritual exemplification
                 The higher state of harmonious existential integration that enables the attainment of
                 of beneficial spiritual effectiveness, by awakening higher capacities and
                 exceptional endowments of consciousness (siddhi-samaya)

           25 July 2017


11:00 - 11:30 Spiritual exemplification
                 The sublime, broad and deep state of timeless uplifting love that allows
                 the revelation in being of the transcendent dimension of divine Eternity
11:45 - 12:15 Spiritual evocation
                 The state of deep spiritual communion with Sinivali, the celestial feminine being
                 known as the comforter and protector of children's lives and also the Goddess
                 all human beings who aspire to an ineffable state of sublime purity of soul
12:30 - 13:00 Spiritual exemplification
                 Revelation in one's own inner universe through the appeal of God's Grace,
                  of the Essential Hypostasis of the Fundamental Energy of Life that ensures transmigration
                 from one body vehicle to another (anubandha-prakara)


19:30 - 20:00 Spiritual exemplification
                 Awakening and energizing in the supramental sphere of the being a beneficial manifestation
                 predominant of the higher point of view which is deeply integrative (rijusutra-
20:15 - 20:45 Spiritual evocation
                 The state of deep spiritual communion with the higher sphere of consciousness of the
                 to the Great Avatar Krishna, the One who revealed to human beings the knowledge
                 essential discriminative of the manifestation of the three fundamental tendencies of Nature
21:00 - 21:30 Spiritual exemplification
                 The higher state of harmonious existential integration that makes possible
                 intimate and profound understanding of the ineffable divine Nature and the awakening in being of
                 spiritual intelligence (prabodha-samaya)

         26 July 2017


10:00 - 10:20 Meditation
                 The ineffable spiritual state of wide and deep communion with God the Father
10:30 - 11:00 Spiritual exemplification
                 The higher state of trans-individual existential integration that allows the revelation of
                 in the endlessly expanding sphere of consciousness of the mysterious and ineffable
                 divine complexities (samhatatva-samaya)
11:10 - 11:30 Meditation
                 The state of wide, humble and deep gratitude to God the Father for
                 The Godly grace that was offered to us in this Spiritual Camp by
11:40 - 12:00 Meditation
                 Meditation of loving gratitude to the Spiritual Guide for supporting
                 the subtle spiritual insights we have been offered in this Ayurveda Camp
12:10 - 12:40 Meditation
                 Gradual resorption of the subtle spherical spiritual field of Ayurveda Camp 2017