Ayurveda Camp 2020



In view of the existing situation this year, the annual International Ayurveda Camp will be held in the distance system, on-line, from 23 to 29 July 2020.

The on-The line of the International Ayurveda Camp 2020 is open to both Ayurveda course participants and those who do not currently participate in Ayurveda courses but who have some experience in the practice of meditation.

The Ayurveda Camp 2020 will include presentations on specific topics in Ayurveda and 40 thematic meditations.

Programme of the Annual International Ayurveda Camp 2020

includes the following five series of thematic topics:


Impeccable revelation in the being through the invocation of God's Grace of the seven distinctly higher states of harmonious existential integration (the seventh and seventhsamaya), which are known in the esoteric tradition of the Ayurvedic system under the Sanskrit names: prakrita-samaya, akara-samaya, utphala-samaya, vistara-samaya, siddhi-samaya, prabodha-samaya and samhatatva-samaya.


Examples of states of intense spiritual communion with exceptional beings, with godlike beings, with the incarnations of great gods of the Ayurvedic tradition, with great sages, with great yogis and with prestigious Ayurvedic practitioners (rishis): Krishna, Angira, Indra, Narada and Chayavana.


Examples of the harmonious manifestations in the subtle astral sphere of being of the subtle beneficent energies of some of the 20 general qualities (gunas) of the Ayurvedic vimshati- system.guna: general quality of hard (guru-guna), the general quality of light (laghu-guna), the general quality of hot (ushna-guna), the general quality of cold (shita-guna), the general dry quality (ruksha-guna), the general quality of wet-uleios (snigdha-guna), the general quality of lightning (tikshna-guna), the general quality of slow (manda-guna), the general quality of solid (sandra-guna) and general fluid quality (drava-guna).


The revelation with the help of God's intuitive, mystical guidance of the higher divine ways of achieving the four fundamental goals of life (chatur-purushartha) described in the esoteric tradition of Ayurveda as artha, kama, dharma and moksha.


The profoundly beneficial distinct energization, achieved through the humbling appeal of God's Grace, of the five sheaths of being (kosha), which is manifested for healing and harmonization: anna-maya-kosha, prana-maya-kosha, mano-maya-kosha, vijnana-maya-kosha and ananda-maya-kosha.


Participation can be made on the basis of a prior registration, by filling in an application form and sending the completed form to the email address: ayurveda (at) amnromania.ro.

The detailed programme of the Ayurveda Camp 2020, the presentation of the topics in the programme and information on the conditions of participation can be found on the website-ul amnromania.ro.

THURSDAY - 23 July 2020


17:30 - 17:45 Full and unconditional consecration to God the Father of the fruits of the sublime subtle energy of the beginning of this spiritual Ayurveda Camp 2020
18:00 - 18:30 Meditation
Gradual manifestation of the subtle spherical spiritual field of Ayurveda Camp 2020
18:45 - 19:15 Meditation
Inner call of guiding spiritual manifestation and subtle-telepathic support of the Spiritual Guide
19:15 - 20:15 Meditation
The intense, fervent and frantically aspiring invocation of the manifestation of God's grace and of the transforming and profoundly inspiring presence of God the Father


21:15 - 21:45 Spiritual example: sapta-samaya
The higher state of blissful existential integration that allows the wise fruition of the exceptional latent potentialities of our own personal nature that is harmonious (prakrita-samaya)

FRIDAY - 24 July 2020


11:00 - 11:30 Spiritual exemplification: amnaya-tantraka
The state of deep spiritual communion with the wise yogi Chayavana, a fervent practitioner of the traditional Ayurvedic processes of regeneration (rasayana)
11:45 - 12:15 Spiritual exemplification: vimshati-guna
Harmonious manifestation of the subtle beneficent energy of the general quality of hardness (guru-guna) in the subtle astral sphere of being
12:30 - 13:00 Spiritual exemplification: sapta-samaya
The net higher state of harmonious existential integration that allows the profound transformation of the being through the systematic and constant accumulation of subtle, ample and profound beneficent energies (akara-samaya).


19:30 - 20:00 Spiritual exemplification: chatur-purushartha
Revealing with the help of God's intuitive, mystical guidance the wise choice and beneficial use of necessary material means (artha)
20:15 - 20:45 Spiritual exemplification: vimshati-guna
Harmonious manifestation of the subtle beneficent energy of the general quality of lightness (laghu-guna) in the subtle astral sphere of being
21:00 - 21:30 Spiritual exemplification: pancha-kosha
A profoundly beneficial energization, achieved through the humbling appeal of God's Grace, which is manifested to heal and harmonize the physical bodily envelope of the being (anna-maya-kosha).

SATURDAY - 25 July 2020


11:00 - 11:30 Spiritual exemplification: amnaya-tantraka
The state of deep spiritual communion with the Great God Indra, who, being engaged as the divine protector of practitioners on an authentic spiritual path, has revealed to them essential aspects of the Science of Life - Ayurveda.
11:45 - 12:15 Spiritual exemplification: vimshati-guna
Harmonious manifestation of the subtle beneficent energy of the general quality of hotness (ushna-guna) in the subtle astral sphere of being
12:30 - 13:00 Spiritual exemplification: sapta-samaya
The clearly superior state of harmonious existential integration that allows the fruitful manifestation in the being of a profoundly transformative spiritual leap and its wise fruition (utphala-samaya).


19:00 - 19:30 Spiritual exemplification: chatur-purushartha
Revelation with the help of God's intuitive, mystical guidance of the higher divine ways of attaining states of joy, full erotic fulfillment and full bliss (kama)
19:45 - 20:15 Spiritual exemplification: vimshati-guna
Harmonious manifestation of the subtle beneficent energy of the general cold quality (shita-guna) in the subtle astral sphere of being
21:15 - 21:45 Spiritual exemplification: pancha-kosha
A profoundly beneficial energization, achieved through the humble appeal of God's Grace, which is manifested for healing and harmonizing the subtle vital envelope of the being (prana-maya-kosha)

SUNDAY - 26 July 2020


11:00 - 11:30 Spiritual exemplification: amnaya-tantraka
The state of intense and deep spiritual communion with the sage Angira
11:45 - 12:15 Spiritual exemplification: vimshati-guna
Harmonious manifestation of the subtle beneficent energy of the general dry quality (ruksha-guna) in the subtle astral sphere of being
12:30 - 13:00 Spiritual exemplification: sapta-samaya
The net higher state of harmonious existential integration that allows for the wide expansion and multidimensional, beneficial expansion of the being's sphere of consciousness (vistara-samaya).


19:30 - 20:00 Spiritual exemplification: chatur-purushartha
The revelation with the help of God's intuitive, mystical guidance of the fundamental purpose of being in life and the harmonious integration of this purpose into the fundamental law of divine necessity and harmony (dharma)
20:15 - 20:45 Spiritual exemplification: vimshati-guna
Harmonious manifestation of the subtle beneficent energy of the general quality of wet-luous (snigdha-guna) in the subtle astral sphere of being
21:00 - 21:30 Spiritual exemplification: pancha-kosha
A profoundly beneficial energization, achieved through the humbling appeal of God's Grace, which is manifested to heal and harmonize the subtle mental envelope of the being (mano-maya-kosha)

MONDAY - 27 July 2020


11:00 - 11:30 Spiritual exemplification: amnaya-tantraka
The state of deep spiritual communion with the sage Narada
11:45 - 12:15 Spiritual exemplification: vimshati-guna
Harmonious manifestation of the subtle beneficent energy of the general quality of lightning (tikshna-guna) in the subtle astral sphere of being
12:30 - 13:00 Spiritual exemplification: sapta-samaya
The net higher state of harmonious existential integration that enables the attainment and fruition of beneficial spiritual efficacy through the awakening of higher capacities and exceptional specific endowments of consciousness (siddhi-samaya)


19:30 - 20:00 Spiritual exemplification: chatur-purushartha
Awakening and amplifying with the help of God's mystical spiritual guidance the frantic spiritual aspiration towards attaining the state of spiritual liberation (moksha)
20:15 - 20:45 Spiritual exemplification: vimshati-guna
Harmonious manifestation of the subtle beneficent energy of the general slow quality (manda-guna) in the subtle astral sphere of being
21:00 - 21:30 Spiritual exemplification: pancha-kosha
A profoundly beneficial energization, achieved through the humbling appeal of God's Grace, which is manifested to awaken and harmoniously energize the subtle supramental envelope (vijnana-maya-kosha).

TUESDAY - 28 July 2020


11:00 - 11:30 Spiritual exemplification: amnaya-tantraka
The state of deep spiritual communion with the higher sphere of consciousness of the Great Avatar Krishna, who has revealed to human beings the essential discriminative knowledge of the manifestation of the three fundamental tendencies of Nature (prakriti-guna)
11:45 - 12:15 Spiritual exemplification: vimshati-guna
Harmonious manifestation of the subtle beneficent energy of the general solid quality (sandra-guna) in the subtle astral sphere of being
12:30 - 13:00 Spiritual exemplification: sapta-samaya
The clearly superior state of harmonious existential integration that makes possible the intimate and profound understanding of the ineffable, multi-various divine Nature and the awakening in being of spiritual intelligence (prabodha-samaya).


19:30 - 20:00 Spiritual exemplification: chatur-purushartha
The awakening and amplification with the help of God's mystical spiritual guidance of a unifying spiritual synthesis that enables the profound harmonization of the four fundamental objectives of the life of the human being: artha, kama, dharma and moksha.
20:15 - 20:45 Spiritual exemplification: vimshati-guna
Harmonious manifestation of the subtle beneficent energy of the general fluid quality (drava-guna) in the subtle astral sphere of being
21:00 - 21:30 Spiritual exemplification: pancha-kosha
A profoundly beneficial energization, achieved through the humble appeal to God's Grace, which is manifested for the harmonious awakening and energization of the subtle envelope of bliss (ananda-maya-kosha)

WEDNESDAY - 29 July 2020


11:00 - 11:30 Meditation: the overwhelming, ineffable spiritual state of wide and deep communion with God the Father
11:45 - 12:15 Spiritual example: sapta-samaya
The distinctly higher state of transpersonal existential integration that allows the revelation of the mysterious and ineffable divine complexity (samhatatva-samaya) in the euphorically expanded sphere of consciousness.
12:30 - 13:00 Spiritual exemplification: pancha-kosha
The revelation, through the humbling appeal of God's Grace, of the mystical miracle of the Supreme Immortal Self (Atman) as the essential way of deep spiritual healing of the being


19:30 - 20:00 Meditation: the state of wide, humble and deep gratitude to God the Father for the Godly Grace that has been offered to us in this Ayurveda Spiritual Camp 2020
20:15 - 20:45 Meditation of loving gratitude to the Spiritual Guide for the subtle spiritual support offered in Ayurveda Camp 2020
21:00 - 21:30 Meditation: Gradual Resorption of the subtle spherical spiritual field of Ayurveda Camp 2020