The role of Ayurvedic knowledge
The traditional Ayurvedic system balances and rejuvenates the body and mind of the human being, thus reducing almost any possible susceptibility to disease, both by strengthening immunity and by developing a natural ability to prevent the onset of any new ailments, while at the same time stopping the process of aggravation or development of those ailments that already exist. Compared to conventional modern medicine, Ayurveda takes a different approach to the classification of diseases and the identification of pathogenic factors. Disease is a consequence of a combination of factors with various determinisms.
Ayurveda is a holistic system
Ayurveda is profoundly holistic precisely because it never considers one organ or set of organs separately from the rest of the human being, seen as a whole.
Ayurveda does not treat the part in a separative way and does not have a view whereby the body is disjoined from the mind and soul. Ayurveda always investigates the human being as a complex and dynamic whole, and the harmony of the whole is reflected in the well-being of the component parts.
If we look objectively into the past, going through the entire known history of mankind, we will realise that mankind has in fact benefited a long time ago from an exceptional knowledge of life. The technology and industry developed and expanded by the whole of humanity today has reached advanced levels, but the make-up of the human body as well as the subtle structure of the human being is almost the same as that which human beings had thousands of years ago, being subject to the same kinds of ailments and diseases as today and having, in spite of time, the same admirable qualities or reprehensible defects which every human being still has today in some lesser or greater proportion.
Traditional branches
As described in almost all traditional works, Ayurveda has eight main branches (Asthanga-Ayurveda).
These branches are: Kaya-Cikitsa general medicine, Shalya general surgery, Shalakya Shalakya branch dealing with the treatment of specific diseases of the ears, nose, throat, mouth and eyes, Bhutavidya Ayurvedic psychiatry, Kaumara Ayurvedic paediatrics, Agada-tantra Ayurvedic toxicology, Rasayana Ayurvedic science of practical modalities with rejuvenating effects andi tonic and Vajikarana Ayurvedic science of natural substances with aphrodisiac effects.
The AMN Ayurveda course in Romania systematically addresses and studies both the main branches of Ayurveda and a whole series of specialized sections and chapters of traditional Ayurvedic science, both classical and esoteric.
The main major sections that are consistently studied in the AMN Ayurveda Course in Romania are as follows:
- Dosha-Prakriti - In-depth knowledge of Ayurvedic constitutional typologies
- Svasthavritta - The science of harmonious integration of the human being in the natural environment
- Dravyaguna - The science of Ayurvedic characterization of natural substances
- Sharira-Jnana – The science of building the basic constitutive structure of the human being
- Kritya-Jnana – Science of the dynamics and functionality of the structure of the human being
- Manasa-Jnana – Science of the subtle-energetic, psychic and mental makeup of the human being
- Pravritti-Jnana – The science of the dynamics and evolution of subtle psycho-mental tendencies in the being
- Pancha-Karma – Traditional knowledge of the main purification methods in Ayurveda
- Upa-Karma – The science of complementary purification methods in Ayurveda
- Nidana-Sthana – Science of primary and advanced Ayurvedic diagnosis
- Cikitsa-Sthana – The vast knowledge of Ayurvedic treatment of all kinds of diseases
- Rasayana - The science of regeneration and effective revitalisation of life-span potential
- Vajikarana – The science of harmonious dynamization of the creative-sexual potential in the being
- Indriya-Sthana – The science of moments of existential inflection of intra- or inter-existential type
- Sharira-Sthana – The traditional science of Ayurvedic embryology and human body formation
- Kalpa-Sthana – The traditional science of Ayurvedic pharmacology and natural preparations
- Amnaya-Vijnana – The esoteric science of preserving and perpetuating authentic Ayurvedic tradition
- Sattvavajaya - The esoteric science of healing achieved by harnessing the resources of consciousness