Selective Systematic Ayurvedic Index Vol. 2
Authors: Andrei Gamulea, Aurora Nicolae
The Selective Systematic Ayurvedic Index Vol. 2 includes 62 of the most well-known medicinal plants of the Romanian flora. The actions and properties of each herb are grouped according to the traditional Ayurvedic system of the 13 srota or channel systems in the human body for effective use in various therapeutic contexts.
Organising lists of plant actions and properties makes it easier to quickly find the right plant as well as the right herbal combinations or sequences of plants for a wide range of conditions.
- The first part of the work contains a list of medicinal and aromatic plants that have been specifically selected for volume 2.
- Part 2 describes the 13 Ayurvedic body systems, in Sanskrit srota, systems that carry bodily biological substances and serve certain organs or perform certain functions.
- In the third part of volume 2, the main therapeutic properties and indications are presented for each selected medicinal plant, grouped in alphabetical order according to the Ayurvedic systems to which they belong (srota).
- The fourth part of the paper outlines the degree of therapeutic efficacy that is associated with each therapeutic action and indication, both general and specific, which can be very strong, strong or moderate.
- Part Five represents the systematic selective ayurvedic index itself that allows us to make quick and accurately targeted choices. The entire structure of the Ayurvedic Systematic Selective Index has been compiled and is based on the traditional Ayurvedic system of all 13 srota or channel systems in the human body. This work can also be used as a real learning manual of notions from the SHARIRA-JNANA (Science of the basic structure of the human being) and KRITYA-JNANA (Science of the dynamics and functionality of the human being) branches of the millenary traditional Ayurveda system.
- Part six contains an index of classical herbal medicine listed alphabetically by therapeutic actions and indications.
- Part 7 indexes the botanical names of the 62 selected medicinal plants.
The use of this systemic work makes it much easier to think of an appropriate phytotherapeutic formula and to evaluate it as well as possible in relation to the situation at hand, with the availability and knowledge in phytotherapy already existing at the time.
The use of plants in a dried form by internal administration as a fine powder or cold macerate is considered to be the best in terms of efficacy-availability ratio.
In addition, some notes are added to each individual herb on some synergies with other herbal ingredients, some traditional information related to that herbal medicine or some latest scientific research on the use of that herbal ingredient.