Ayurvedic approach to knowledge 4

Formative benefits of participating in 

AMN-Romania Ayurveda Contest

Part 4


Almost 30 years of experience in organizing the AMN-Romania Ayurveda Competition has shown that there are many benefits and formative aspects of how participants can constructively develop and shape their personal cognitive approach by participating in the competition challenges based on traditional principles.

We will list some of the benefits we have seen along the way:

  • improving the understanding of Ayurvedic concepts and principles by interacting with different ways of knowing that involve different ways of positioning the consciousness towards the information conveyed specifically;
  • development of reasoning, analysis and synthesis skills in the context of applying Ayurvedic principles and methods of differentiated knowledge;
  • increased confidence in one's own powers of perception and deduction, and in applying Ayurvedic principles to various practical life situations;
  • stimulating awareness and attention to the cognitive processes taking place in one's own inner universe, under the specific conditions of the application-evaluation in the various Ayurveda competition tests.

A constructive perspective on participating in an Ayurveda competition

A deeper understanding of the learning and knowledge process is essential for the personal and professional development of every human being. Given the personal filter through which all information and experiences pass, it becomes relevant that it is important to be aware of how instrumental consciousness is preset. An essential factor in the presetting of instrumental awareness is based precisely on so-called pre-existing views (naya). In the formation of these personal views, an important role is played by cognitive structures referred to by researchers today as 'cognitive biases'. From a practical point of view, it is essential to seek to identify the nature of these cognitive biases and thus to seek to mitigate through adequate awareness the altering impact they might have on our decisions, judgements and actions.

Through the three cognitive vectors, apta, pratyaksha and anumana, the AMN-Romania International Ayurveda Competition offers all participants the opportunity to understand and evaluate the specific personal way in which some tendencies of instrumental consciousness can influence the processes of cognition and perception in everyday life.

In order to achieve this modeling desideratum, it is important to choose and then develop a systematic, lucid and careful approach to the personal processes of introspection and proper understanding of the nature and makeup of personal consciousness.

Such an approach can help us to accurately identify and adequately understand the inner constructs that can influence how we perceive and react to information and events in our lives.

Such an introspective process can have a "healing effect" on personal consciousness, freeing the personal conscience from the constraints and obstacles it might face in the process of knowing.

An important aspect of this self-evaluation process is to create a free space in the sphere of personal consciousness. This space allows us to analyse and evaluate information and experiences without being influenced by our own constraints and biases. It helps us to make good, more informed and balanced decisions and to adapt as effectively as possible to changes in our lives.

In the annual AMN-Romania Ayurveda Competition the application of such traditional methods of knowledge promotes a holistic and balanced approach to learning and practicing Ayurvedic methods.

In the AMN-Romania Ayurveda Competition, theoretical knowledge is tested (apta) through a so-called classical question-answer structure by ticking a correct answer that implies going through the knowledge from memory. Also included in the subtle perception tests is the testing of the ability to directly perceive vital principles, such as the perception test (pratyaksha). Another test involves both perceptual readiness (pratyaksha) and deductive ability (anumana). Where perception (pratyaksha) is correlated with the background of knowledge (apta), perception manifests itself as a 'validator of existing knowledge', most often making use of the principle of extrapolation and validating perception by knowledge that provides some support that can be recognised by similarity. The AMN-Romania Ayurveda Competition challenges both curiosity, interest and participation of the instrumental consciousness in a way that is strongly stimulating. On this occasion each participant can learn how to delineate in his or her own instrumental consciousness a certain set of perceptions with an advanced degree of volatility so that they can be compared with what represents a form of perception that is considered familiar.

The traditional Ayurvedic system of Pramana-Vidhi can make the perception of certain determining aspects of the sphere of consciousness much more accessible.

By properly integrating the three forms of knowledge and their combinations, the Ayurveda Competition organized by AMN-Romania encourages a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach in the effective study and implementation of traditional Ayurvedic knowledge, enabling participants to develop strong skills and acquire a deep and practical understanding of the principles of the age-old tradition of Ayurveda.


Andrei Gamulea, Ayurveda lecturer AMN-Romania

part 1 here