2020 Competition



Competition and reporting 


Date and time

On Saturday, 15 February 2020, starting at 12:45 pm, the 2020 International Ayurveda Competition will be held in unison in several locations in Romania and other countries. In Bucharest, the 2020 International Ayurveda Competition will be held at the hall in Oteșani 16, sector 2.



The event is organised by AMN-Romania in collaboration with DMIMS(DU)-India. The 2020 International Ayurveda Competition will be broadcast on-line, according to the general competition programme. It will also be possible to participate on-line, at the times indicated.



The International Ayurveda Competition 2020 consists of 6 specific tests, each with several papers, which test the mastery of the three main types of ways of knowing that are described within the millenary tradition of the Ayurveda system, namely: theoretical knowledge (suitable), knowledge through perception (pratyaksha) and knowledge by inference (anumana).


Saturday, 15 February 2020, Romania (12:00 - 19:00)
Part 1 (12:00 - 15:30, Romanian time)
12:00-12:45 Registration and preparation
12:45-13:00 Introductory presentation for part 1
13:00-13:30 Test 1 (30 minutes): Ayurvedic knowledge test (apta)
13:30-14:00 Break
14:00-14:30 Preparation (30 minutes): Preparatory process to awaken the intuition and the ability to perceive the mysterious beauty of the plants that exist in Nature (prakriti)
14:30-14:45 Break
14:45-15:15 Test 2 (30 minutes): Test of Ayurvedic knowledge and perception (apta-pratyaksha)
15:15-15:30 Break
Part 2 (15:30 - 17:15, Romanian time)
15:30-15:45 Preparatory presentation for part 2
15:45-16:15 Test 3 (30 minutes): Ayurvedic knowledge and intelligence test (apta-anumana)
16:15-16:30 Break
16:30-17:00 Test 4 (30 minutes): Intelligence test (anumana)
17:00-17:15 Break
Part 3 (17:15 - 19:00, Romanian time)
17:15-17:30 Preparatory presentation for part 3
17:30-18:00 Test 5 (30 minutes): Test of perception and intelligence (pratyaksha-anumana)
18:00-18:15 Break
18:15-18:45 Test 6 (30 minutes): Perception test (pratyaksha)
18:45-19:00 Final presentation


All those who want to test their knowledge of Ayurveda from several branches of this ancient system are invited to participate in this 2020 International Ayurveda Competition.


The tests contain questions from different branches and areas of knowledge of the Ayurveda system. Organisational details on how to participate in this International Competition can be found atamnromania.ro and on the pages dedicated to the Ayurveda Contest (ayurveda-contest.amnromania.ro).


Those who want to test their knowledge on-line before this year's Ayurveda Competition, I can access the 2019 Ayurveda Competition tests and answers (ayurveda-contest.amnromania.ro/test-1-x-2019-en-contest-from-ayurveda-2019-amn-romania.html).

Questions can be sent by email to ayurvedaromania@gmail.com, address that will also be used for sending the results to the on-line.


On Saturday, 15 February 2020, starting at 12:45 pm, the International Ayurveda Competition 2020 will be held in unison in several locations in Romania and other countries.

There will be two categories of rankings in this competition: one category of general rankings by study group and another category of rankings by test type.


In the Ayurveda Competition 2020 the overall rankings will be done according to 4 classes of study groups namely: groups 01-02, groups 03-06, groups 07-15 and groups 16-25.

In tests 1 and 3, participants can choose 1, 2 or 3 tests from those indicated for the competition group to which they belong. The test with the highest score among those chosen by each participant will be taken into account in the overall group ranking. The choice of the type of tests (A, B, C, D, E, F, G or H) or the choice of their number (1, 2 or 3) need not be similar for test 1 in relation to test 3.

GROUP 01-02: In tests 1 and 3 participants will be able to choose 1, 2 or 3 tests from the section Dosha-Prakriti (test A or test B) or from section Svasthavritta (test B or test C).

GROUP 03-06: In tests 1 and 3 participants will be able to choose 1, 2 or 3 tests from the section Svasthavritta (test B or test C), Dravyaguna (test D) or Vimshati-guna (test L).

GROUP 07-15: In tests 1 and 3 participants will be able to choose 1, 2 or 3 tests from the section Svasthavritta (test C), from section Dravyaguna (test D) in section Manasa-Jnana (test E) or from section Pravritti-Jnana, chapter Raksha-Viddhi (test G).

GROUP 16-25: In tests 1 and 3 participants will be able to choose 1, 2 or 3 tests from the section Manasa-Jnana (test E), from section Pravritti-Jnana, chapter Raksha-Viddhi (test G), from section Nidana-Stahana, chapter Parikshakrama (test H) or from section Rasayana, chapter Niramaya (F-test) or Vajikarana (K test).

In tests 1 and 3, each participant can choose additional tests, apart from those corresponding to his or her competition group, the result of which will be taken into account in the specific rankings.


These specific rankings are narrow rankings by test type, in which those with the highest scores in each of the specific tests in the competition will be awarded.

In tests 1 and 3 of the 2020 Ayurveda Competition, specific narrow rankings will be made for each test type (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L).

In test 1 there are specific rankings corresponding to the indicator 1, and in test 3 there are specific rankings corresponding to the indicator 3.

For the specific rankings, the participation group will not be taken into account. For example, a participant from groups 16-25 can also answer the 1-A in the time slot allocated to test 1, so it will compete with everyone else in this specific ranking for test 1-A.

Similarly, a participant from groups 03-06 can answer in the time allocated to test 3 and test 3G and will thus be able to participate in the specific ranking for test 3G.

For the other four tests of the 2020 Ayurveda Competition, i.e. tests 2, 4, 5 and 6, specific rankings will be made and all participants will be included.

In test 2 there will be specific ranking 2, in test 4 there will be specific ranking 4, in test 5 there will be specific ranking 5 and in test 6 there will be specific ranking 6.

In test 2 there is a choice of either the herbal test (with information from the Vanaspati Ayurveda course sections-Jnana and Dravyaguna), which contains questions from the information contained in the work entitled Ayurveda in Romania - Volume 1, illustrations containing information also on Romanian medicinal plants or for the test on Ayurvedic understandings (Amnaya section), with specific information from these courses and presentations. Structure of the Amnaya alternative test (test 2)J) will be similar in scoring to that for medicinal plants. The test on medicinal plants will be marked with 2-M.