Unconventional medicine
Unconventional medicine has become increasingly popular these days. In many situations human beings choose to treat themselves with herbs and natural products. Of course, there are also people who do not use natural means, precisely because they cannot believe in natural or traditional medicine.
But, first and foremost, the practical use of natural means of healing is not a matter to be approached as a choice of believing or not believing. In reality, such a choice is a matter of knowledge.
Given that modern medicine itself has ancient origins, it is useful to know what underlies this science. We know that today the father of modern medicine is almost unanimously considered to be Hippocrates.
Etymology of the word "medicine"
Perhaps less well known is the fact that the modern name "medicine" itself derives, or, in other words, comes from a
Thus, if we go through such a short history of medicine, which in reality is in fact spread over a long period of time, even if only from an etymological point of view, we find that what we now call "medicine", together with all the methods so-
The act of caring for someone, the act of caring for someone, which is in fact the very origin of the term "medicine", has its origins in many of the healing traditions that are spread across the globe and which we now somewhat distantly call "unconventional medicines". We call them so precisely because they do not correspond to current conventional standards.
But in reality, even modern medicine and-
Moreover, we can say that some systems of unconventional medicine are true treasures of knowledge, such as the traditional medical system Ayurveda, which is in fact the traditional Indian Knowledge of Life.
In Sanskrit, Ayurveda is composed of two terms, namely "ayus", which means "life" in Sanskrit and "see", which means "knowledge". So, we can say that Ayurveda is actually the knowledge of life in its entirety and complexity.
Ayurveda is much more than what the vast majority of human beings today have as a representation of traditional medicine.
Ayurveda is in fact a genuine system of health education. We can say, even more than that, that Ayurveda is in fact a genuine system of self-education.
Lifestyle and prevention
Each of us thinks about prevention, each of us thinks about a healthy lifestyle, each of us knows that certain things, certain actions or certain choices we make in life are not always the best.
Later, after some time, we may find that an adverse choice has either resulted in a disorder, a disease, an illness or even a simple shortcoming.
When we lucidly realise what the determinative, causal connection is between them, we make an important connection in consciousness.
Health education
Among the non-conventional medicines, we can say that the traditional Ayurveda system offers a much broader educational base, teaching the being to live in a healthy way.
In reality, there is no contradiction between non-conventional medicine, and in particular Ayurveda, and modern medicine.
They complement each other, help each other and can thus provide people with additional knowledge, which can then be used on all levels.